Real People Reveal The Biggest Secrets They Have Ever Kept 

Opposites Attract


My wife is an introvert. Quiet solace, a good book, and a comfy couch is all she needs to keep her happy. She’s educated, intelligent, and has a very good job with the Feds as an analyst. Me on the other hand, I’m outgoing, volunteer at our kid’s high school all the time, and am comfortable striking up conversations with total strangers.

We’re opposites socially. Here’s what I must confess. In my single days, I was wild. I’d try just about anything in the bedroom, thought nothing of it, was very open to whatever turns you on, let’s give it a go. My wife knows this and it intimidated her for the longest time. Recently, she decided to break away from her quiet self and told me she wanted to “play around” some.

She wanted to talk dirty to me; she wants me to be happy in the bedroom and is going to open up a bit. I was curious, so I said ok. When she talks dirty, I smile and fight not to laugh because it’s not her at all, but I love her and appreciate her attempt so much. If I say anything, she’ll be disappointed and become withdrawn. I know her, this is a huge step for her, so I won’t crush it.

This is how I know she loves me dearly. I tell her it’s not necessary to act like it, but she thinks I’m just saying this. She doesn’t do it all the time, maybe a few times a month, but it makes me smile knowing she’s doing it to please me. Love her dearly, so I fake that it turns me on. Just a note, it’s not all serious with the “dirty talk.” We do laugh at times with it.

I’ll respond with an over-the-top type of “Oh yeah baby, give it to me!” In an Austin Powers or James Bond voice. Lighten the mood to make it more open and fun.


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