22. Carrying a Long Grudge
In college I got a pretty severe bronchial infection. I had a fever of 103 and felt pretty useless. My boyfriend (now husband of 12 years) says he is going to go rent some movies from blockbuster and come back so we can just chill for the weekend while I’m resting. Blockbuster was a 5 minute drive from our apartment. An hour goes by and he’s not back. I call his cell phone and he doesn’t answer. Another hour goes by and I call again, no answer. Two more hours go by, I’m blowing up his cell phone and terrified that he got in an accident and I have no way of going out to look for him. An hour later (5 hours after he left) he calls me and says he’s on his way home. He went to a friend’s house to help him rebuild the engine in his car. It took a long a long time for me to not be mad at him. And I still get mad thinking about it.