Real People Share the Weird Behaviors That They Seriously Thought Were Normal

The Damage Was Already Done

YouTube / Jeff Martin

I worked with a guy who had some kind of gut problem and he’d be sitting at his desk, and vomit into a cup. Not a lot, but like a vurp. A few times a day, even in meetings. Finally, his boss talked to him and said that was not cool, and he should see a doctor.

His response was a surprised, “Really? You think I should see a doctor about this?”

“Yes. Yes you should. That’s not normal at all.”

“Wow. Huh, okay boss!” He apparently had been doing this all his life.

And he did.

He went to a doctor, and waddya know! They had medicine for his condition! The guy grew up in some country where his condition was never addressed, either because of poverty or neglect. Probably both. Which is really a shame.

But the damage was already done; everyone avoided the “vomit guy.” He was eventually let go. I just hope that wasn’t the reason why.

Story credit: Reddit / punkwalrus

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