Real People Share the Weird Behaviors That They Seriously Thought Were Normal

I Can Tell That We Are Gonna Be Friends

YouTube / skippy62able

I’m in college and I’m lucky enough to be able to rent a house, but I do have housemates, one of which we will call Cade. Cade is 6’4″, somewhat portly, kinda a quiet guy most of the time but a pretty sassy gay dude once you get past the first barrier.

Anyway, one day I came into the kitchen and I see him washing the dishes. Cool, no big deal, we don’t have an automatic dishwasher and it was his turn. I’m about to leave when I see him pick something up off the counter, bite into it, then set it back down. I only stop to look because I notice oddly the thing is bright yellow, and usually people don’t just eat bright yellow things.

Turns out Cade eats lemons. Like apples. With the peel still on. I confronted him about it and he thinks it’s the funniest thing ever that I’m freaked out by it, so now once or twice a week I get a snapchat of him aggressively eating a lemon at me. I think we’re gonna be friends for a long time.

Story credit: Reddit / YellowCladKing

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