Real People Share the Weird Behaviors That They Seriously Thought Were Normal

An Ongoing Allergy Attack for 23 Years

YouTube / KTVB

This one is about me. In my early 20s I started having a lot of pain in my upper left jaw. My dentist said there was nothing wrong with my teeth and that I should go see a sinus specialist. Get to the ORL (ear nose and throat doctor) and they comment on how stuffed up I must be. I’m slightly baffled, and say that I’m actually breathing much easier that day than usual.

Aaand that was the day I found out that most people can breathe through their noses MOST of the time and not just on special occasions. Turns out I’m allergic to dust mites in a “how have you not had anaphylaxis and died” way, and had been experiencing an allergy attack for 23 straight years. That doctors visit legitimately changed my life. I no longer had to choose between breathing and eating.

Story credit: Reddit / PuckishPen

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