18. That’s One Way to Send a Message

I was once given a Poo Pourri gift set (a whole arse-nal of sprays and creams, came in a toilet shaped box!) by someone at work as part of a secret santa exchange. It was a bit embarrassing since I had only worked there for about 6 months at the time so I was still a little unsure about how people were perceiving me. In my mind, the gift was either someone’s way of jokingly telling me “you think your poop don’t stink” or someone’s serious way of telling me that my poop really really stinks.
Anyways, no one I talked to at the party admitted to being my secret santa. The next day I asked the office manager if she could tell me who it was and she said she could, but only if the other person gave their consent. She IM’d me back a minute later: “they said no”.
I don’t use the products they gave me, in protest. But I have become a bit more self-conscious about my… well, you know.