15. Memorably Bad

My aunt (Dad’s sister), who I see maybe once or twice a year, sat down next to me at the annual Christmas party in 2013 with a small gift. She said something to me about wanting to be invited to my son’s birthday party next year (he had turned one in May). I hadn’t invited my dad’s side of the family because my parents had gone through a divorce in May of 2011 and my mom is still bitter about it. I normally get along with these people but just don’t see them much. But anyway I opened the gift and it was a tiny Ravens football helmet, some small thing I can’t remember and then a small bottle of a liquid concoction called “poo pourri”. You know, that spray that you spray into the toilet after you poop to take the smell away. That….was it. I was dumbfounded as to why she would even give me something like that, speculated that it was regifted from a junk drawer, and still have a good laugh about it with my mom all this time later. Man, what a crappy gift!