6. We Thought of You

My stepmom always hated me. She told my dad not to take me on family trips when I was younger because I wasn’t part of “their family.” Etc etc. Anyway, during his marriage to this woman, I went through a phase when I loved the Transiberian Orchestra. For my birthday (in May) one year I asked for tickets come Christmas time. Come November, I reiterated that I really wanted TSO tickets, maybe for Christmas. No luck. The band came and went and I did not get to go. Fast forward to Christmas Day, I unwrap a shirt. A transiberian orchestra shirt. It was two sizes too big. Clearly purchased for my dad. As I held it up, my stepmom explained that she’d gotten it for me when she took my dad to the concert for his birthday because “I know you said you liked them.” I was 15. They’re divorced now, thank goodness.