2. Don’t Give a Gift You Wouldn’t Want to Receive

So my sister in law is a piece of work. She’s constantly setting up Go Fund Me campaigns for house projects, vacations, sperm to start a family, etc. She’s just…. exhausting.
So one year she gives me a rock for Christmas. And I open it and I’m like, “Oh….cooooool….” And she goes on this ten minute speech about how she slept with the damn rock to give it her energy and “help guide me” and tells me I’m supposed to sleep with the rock, too, so we can become “closer.”
So the next year, here comes another Go Fund Me, this time she wants to hike a portion of the Appalachian Trail.
Now, I’m broke: I’m finishing a Master’s degree, I have a new baby, etc. I’m not giving her money for her “finding herself” vacations.
But I do decide I want to give her something.
So at her vacation kick off party that she threw herself (not joking), I brought her a gift that I put a lot of thought into. I told her I wanted her to take it with her, for safe keeping, to remind her of her family waiting for her safe return from the great state of New Hampshire.
And I passed her a 15 lb slab of granite from my back yard.
And deadfaced told her I wanted her to carry it in her pack for her trip because it had good energy in it.
The look: priceless.