Real People Share Their Most Embarrassing Mistakes

Family Secrets


This happened about a year ago. I was 18 years old at the time and I was dating a boy named Jacob, who was also my age. His father was a mechanic, and his mom was a homemaker.

They were a pretty typical white suburban family in the south and had asked Jacob if they could meet me even though we had only been dating for a month. At the dinner, I met his mom, dad, older brother, older sister, and her newborn daughter.

The dinner went well and I was chatting about my volunteer work at my college’s blood drive, to which his father explains that his doctor told him he was O negative and a universal blood donor. My boyfriend mentions he is also O, but his siblings casually mention they are both AB.

I don’t think anything of it because my boyfriend had mentioned that his mom was married once before and was widowed. The following conversation went like this: Me: “Oh that’s really cool. You’re a really rare blood type. If you don’t mind me asking, is your mom’s blood type A and your dad’s B, or your dad’s A and mom’s B?”

Older sister: “What do you mean? He’s O.” She gestures to my boyfriend’s father here. Me: “Oh I know. I was just asking about your biological father, but of course, you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.” I notice his mom get really pale, and it was in that moment I realized I screwed up. Older brother: “What do you mean biological father?”

Me: “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it.” At this point, Jacob’s dad got real quiet and was looking at his wife’s face. He knew instantly. I look over to Jacob who I think was starting to put the full picture of what was happening together.

Dad: “Are you saying they’re not my biological kids? Because my wife swore up and down in marriage counseling (by “marriage counseling” he means with a pastor) that they were my kids and she would never cheat on me.” At this point, I’m putting together that she never had any kids from her previous marriage. Mom: “I would never cheat on you. They are your kids.”

The dad turns to me and says, “So why do you think they’re not my kids?” I tried to excuse myself because it was very clear the cat was out of the bag, and with a quick Google search from my boyfriend, he starts cussing out his mom.

She starts to sob and apologizes over and over again, and I am forced to explain 9th-grade biology to his father about the fact that the only kids he could have produced were with the blood type: O, A or, B, but absolutely not AB.

Jacob was the only one with the possibility of being his son. They all start screaming at one another, and the older sister eventually leaves because her newborn is screaming too.

His mom goes and locks herself in the bedroom. His older brother follows her, screaming and asking who his real father is. My boyfriend is trying to figure out if his dad still wants to be their father.

I eventually have a friend come pick me up. Yeah…we broke up shortly after, but not before figuring out through paternity tests that none of the kids produced from the marriage were the dad’s. They divorced soon after. Story credit: Reddit/QueenOfPassAgress

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