Real People Share Their Most Embarrassing Mistakes

Too Funny for Their Own Good


So there’s this girl I like at work, and we’re really good friends. We’re having lunch and we’re making those ironic depression meme jokes as most friends do. For some reason I got the idea to say,

“Well hey, you know what’s just one letter away from sad? DAB!” and promptly did the deed. Also, I have the ability to cry on demand so I just stared stone-cold at her and let two tears fall down.

She finds it funny. Extremely funny. So funny she drops to the floor and starts laughing her butt off. After a good 30 seconds, she starts grabbing her chest and coughing. I asked if she was okay when she starts wheezing and begins to convulse a bit. Freaking the heck out and thinking she’s having a seizure, I start to reach for my phone.

In that exact second, my manager randomly decides to come in and sees this big guy towering over this poor little girl on the floor. I only manage to cut off her impending rage by saying I think she’s having a seizure and I’m calling 9-1-1.

Fortunately, I was able to explain to her what happened after the ambulance came. Turns out she has asthma, and my joke caused a flare-up, and she was waving her arms to try to tell me to get her inhaler. Whoops. Story credit: Reddit

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