Real People Share Their Most Embarrassing Mistakes

A Mistake at the TSA


This happened a little over a year ago. So, I work for the TSA, and have for a few years now. It’s a good job overall. I’m underpaid, but the benefits are nice, and I get overtime when I want it.

A little over a year ago, during the week leading up to Christmas, we had some really bad weather that delayed all the flights. I volunteered to stay late so that my co-workers could go home to their families.

Most of the work was done anyway, so it was mostly just standing around waiting for the odd latecomer. I was working when three passengers came up together: a middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman, and a teenage boy. I figure it’s a family traveling together for the holidays, and go about my work. Mom goes through, all is fine. Dad goes through, all is fine.

Kid comes up, and I get a good look at him. Hoodie, sweatpants, shortish hair, smooth face. I figure he’s about 13, maybe 14. I hit the button, direct him to wait with me for a moment, and then gesture to the screen, which lit up on his chest area. I tell him that I have to pat that area down. He’s a little nervous, but I figure that because he’s so young.

This is probably his first time getting a pat-down, but he says okay, and I start the pat-down. I do the left side of the chest, and feel some moob, which catches me off guard because he didn’t look chubby at all. I move to the right side of the chest, read what’s on the hoodie, and it all clicks at once.

The hoodie has the name of the local college on it. This is an adult, not a child. He’s not wearing sweatpants, she is wearing yoga pants. She doesn’t even know the couple that just came through.

I look at her face, which is bright red, my hand is still on her boob, and I pull it back like I just got bit by a snake. I immediately call for my supervisor, who comes over and asks what’s wrong, and I explain the situation to her.

My supervisor covers her mouth, and at first I thought she was absolutely mortified, but then I realized she’s trying not to laugh. She takes a minute to pull herself together, tells me to go take a break, and finishes screening the passenger herself.

Once that was done, I apologize to the passenger. She tells me it’s fine, and that it wasn’t the first time she was mistaken for a boy and she probably should have said something before I started touching her. But I wasn’t out of the woods yet.

I leave her alone, and go talk to my supervisor to figure out exactly how fired I am. She tells me to calm down, that it was just an honest mistake, and that she has my back if the passenger files an official complaint, but that probably won’t happen and I shouldn’t be worried.

That reassured me a little, but I still groped a woman and ruined Christmas, so I feel like an absolute monster.

I swallow my shame and finish my shift, then I go into the airport proper to find some food, because I just finished a 12-hour shift and there’s no way I have the energy to cook dinner. There, I see my hapless victim sitting at her gate, waiting for her flight. I went up to her to apologize again, and saw that the flight had been delayed until morning; it was about 11 at night now.

I apologize again, she says it’s fine, and I ask her if she’s planning to stay the whole night. She says she has to, since all the hotels in the area are booked up. I tell her that I’m getting some dinner, and offer to get her some food as well.

After all, I already got to second base, I think it’s only fair that I buy her dinner. She agrees, and we go to one of the restaurants that is open late, get some food, and start eating.

She said she gets mistaken for a boy a lot, and it’s not a big deal. I told her about how I had long hair and no beard in college, and at the gym people would frequently walk into the men’s bathroom, see me, and do a double-take to make sure they didn’t walk into the ladies’ room.

She laughed, and we ended up talking for a few hours, before I finally told her that I had to get home, and apologized again. Then came the true twist.

She said that all is forgiven…if I promise to take her on a real date when she gets back. I agreed, she gave me her phone number, and I went home and immediately started texting her.

We kept talking until her flight finally left, and when she got back I picked her up at the airport, and a few days later took her on that date that I promised her. We just celebrated our one-year anniversary. She has long hair now. Story credit: Reddit/tifuthrowawayTSA4

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