Wet the Seat

This deleted Reddit user didn’t mind kids on a plane as long as they behaved. Unfortunately, the miscreant that was sitting next to them was an annoying rascal and his mother was useless. So, they did something that made the rest of the flight a lot more peaceful.
“I was on a transatlantic flight and was sitting on the first row of the plane. The woman next to me had a baby in a crib and a small child.
She sat on the opposite end of the row from me and sat her toddler right next to me leaving an empty seat between her and her kid; I had no issue with any of it until food arrived and the child started moving around a lot and kicking my computer and was making it impossible for me to eat; I asked her politely to do something about this and her reply was that it is known that those seats are for people with children.
I was so angry I couldn’t eat. I took my tiny wine bottle to the bathroom and filled it up with water. Then I waited. When she took the kid to the toilet I proceeded to pour the water on the seat next to me. They came back and after 10 minutes the kid said to the mother that he is wet. She sat the child in the other seat and put a towel on the wet seat and sat there. Didn’t say a word to me. I think I slept the rest of the flight.”