Poop Land Mines

The neighbor was allowing their dog to poop on Reddit user mysteryslice’s yard and there was no way he was going to put up with that. So, in retaliation, he gifted his neighbor some of his dog’s pop land mines.
“My girl told me that the neighbor across the street was instructing his dog to go poop on our lawn. At first, I doubted he was telling his dog to do that, but I was home sick for a few days and saw it myself. I asked the owner to stop it and he said the dog wouldn’t listen. When I asked him to at least clean up the poop, he said his dog was only peeing.
We had our own dog and I took a week’s worth of his land mines plus the neighbor’s dog’s poops for the week and walked across the street and threw them all over his front yard and walkway one night.
Somehow the neighbor’s dog listened after that and never pooped in my yard again.”