Red Faced and Teary Eyed

Reddit user yakiho was tired of someone stealing their little sister’s lunch. So they dosed her food with Sriracha sauce, one of the hottest sauces around. And when one of the students came back from the bathroom looking all red faced and teary eyed, it became clear who the culprit was.
“Someone kept stealing snacks from my little sister’s lunch that was in her locker in elementary school. They even left the wrappers there. My sister had a suspect in mind but her teacher did not want to act on it. So we decided to prepare some Lindt chocolates: We scooped the middle part and put some Sriracha in them. The next day, the kid did indeed fall into our trap and came back from her ”bathroom trip” with a red face and tearing eyes. She stopped stealing from my sister’s locker after that.”