Subscription Revenge

Reddit user NiChiKazuki was the kind of gal that didn’t appreciated being cheated on. She just couldn’t let it go, not even after they broke up. So, she set a plan into motion to complicate his life and years later learned her plan had worked.
“Back in 2001, I was cheated on by a guy I dated for a few years. After we broke up, I went to Walmart’s book aisle. I grabbed about 40 subscription postcards out of the magazines and filled them all out with his name and address. I marked the ‘bill me later option’ and mailed them slowly over a few weeks.
Five years later, we hung out via mutual friends, and in the garage, there were so many magazines that the two-car garage was a one car garage. Three years after this, we were talking and he mentioned how his credit was screwed up because he didn’t pay for some magazine subscriptions and they turned him in to the collection agency.”