I’ll Be a Few Minutes

When another driver got in the way of the loading bay, Reddit user christhewelder75 asked them to move politely. When the driver refused, he bided his time and waited for the opportunity to block her car in.
“So years ago I delivered jugs of water to homes and offices. My work truck was fairly big probably about 35ish feet long. I had a building I delivered to that had 8-10 stops in it and was one of the few places that had a loading bay for delivery vehicles.
This bay was wide enough for 2 large trucks side by side and long enough for my truck to mostly fit with a bit of the cab sticking out in the alleyway (not so far as to block traffic).
On the other side of the alley was another building, and the dumpsters for said building. These dumpsters were in a position that it could be a little tight to get into the dock but it was doable.
This day I pull up and see a small courier car (size of a Honda civic) pull into the bay and stop right at the entrance. This position is just enough that I cant get the angle I need to be able to nose up to the dumpsters and back into the open spot in the loading bay. If I tried I’d likely hit the car.
Luckily for me, the driver was just getting out of the car. So I politely asked if she could back up a couple of feet so I could get into the dock.
Her: I’m only going to be a few minutes…
Me: Yes but if you take 5 seconds, we can both do what we need to do…
Her: I’ll be a few minutes…
Then she just walks into the building.
So I’m kinda stunned at this point. I’ve been in the delivery industry for almost a decade most other drivers get that it’s a tough job and we can all do what we need to do and there’s kinda an unwritten code even amongst competitors.
So I maneuver my truck nice and tight to the building so as not to block the alleyway while parking perpendicular to the loading dock entrance and blocking her car in.
I start loading the first of 2 or 3 cartloads into the building. She comes out and sees my truck…
Her: Well isn’t this cute… You need to move…
Me: I’ll only be a few minutes.
Her: I need to go. Move your truck now…
By this time my cart is loaded and I tell her, “It’s okay, I’ll only be a few minutes.” And I walk into the building.”