Tacos and Hot Sauce

Reddit user killeroftherose didn’t appreciate rude customers treating her badly at the drive-thru. That’s a lesson one customer learned the hard way when she took her frustration out on the meal he had ordered.
“I was working at a taco place in the drive-thru, and this one customer was being so rude.
He ordered some things, I repeated back his order, and he said I was completely wrong and wasn’t listening. Then he kept yelling at me through the speaker. When he got to the window, he didn’t even look at me when he handed over his money.
Of course, I was angry. One of the things he ordered was ten crunchy tacos with mild sauce. Before I gave him his tacos, I “checked” his ten tacos and crushed seven of them. Then I threw in twelve packets of Diablo sauce and only two packets of mild sauce.”