Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Public Disturbance


A good number of years ago my family, consisting of me, my mom, stepfather, my grandparents, and my aunt and uncle, all went to go see my sister perform at a theatre for her ballet recital.

This theatre was pretty huge with lots of seats and ridiculously long rows. Walking down the aisle to find some good seats, I see this big family.

Since I was younger and smaller, my grandmother told me to run ahead and claim some seats. The mother of this family sees me while I’m moving in to get our seats.

She practically glares at me and starts trying to push her way through the crowd to get to the seats I’m going to. My family at this time is already sitting down.

We had some really good seats. Well, this family from earlier starts settling in the row in front of us. From what I can remember, the rows each had at least 15 or 16 seats.

This family took the entire row and still had about 13 family members who needed seats. But see they needed more seats, and my family was in their way.

So, the mother comes up and attempts to make everyone in our row move to accommodate her family. We pretty much all tell her that we don’t want to because we got here first and because there is a couple with their baby sleeping sitting one seat down from us. 

She gets upset. VERY upset. She starts raising her voice, about how her family has to sit together.

She adds that she paid to get in here, and that the seat numbers on her ticket say that those are her seats.

In this theatre, there’s the A seats, the B seats, and so on; but, for example, if you had a ticket saying “Ticket A34” that doesn’t mean you have claim over seat “A34.”

It meant you can sit anywhere in the A section. She didn’t understand this, and kept on screaming which woke the baby. So, now she’s yelling at us and scaring a little baby who is now wailing while her family just awkwardly watches.

The people all around in other rows are just watching her yell at us with looks of shock and disgust. Her husband, I assume, just looked down and muttered under his breathe, “She didn’t take her medication, did she?”

After her screaming match, a security guard came down and told her to leave the premises for her unreasonable public disturbance. Story credit: Reddit / the_strangling_fruit

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