Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

She Walked Out


I was working retail, it was right before either Christmas or Easter, and it was one of the first major holidays I’d worked. I was outside pulling carts, and I came in to ask for my break.

As I’m waiting by customer service for an opportunity to ask since they’re absolutely slammed with customers, I notice that at the register directly across from customer service there is this customer screaming.

I couldn’t tell what she was yelling about, but whatever it was, she was infuriated. At this point the cashier, tired of being yelled at by the customer, turned over to customer service and shouted,

“Hey, this lady needs help.” The girl at customer service, without missing a beat, shouted back, “Well, she can just calm down and wait!”

Unfortunately, I didn’t get to see the fallout of this. I had to walk away so I didn’t burst out laughing in front of the angriest person I’ve ever seen. I did find out later what she was screaming about, however.

Because of the holiday we had a special deal on ham where if you spent $25, not including the price of the ham, you could get the ham for a certain amount off per pound.

The angry lady had bought $23.50 apart from the ham, and decided that the most rational course of action was not to just buy a candy bar or some gum, but to throw a fit of Titanic proportions.

Apparently, she ended up walking out, leaving her cart full of stuff in the middle of the lane blocking the rest of the customers. Story credit: Reddit / ConnerDavis

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