Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

That Went Downhill Quickly


There was this girl who was part of our friend group for a while in our early 20s; she was the definition of spoiled.

Her parents were amazing—immigrants who had started a reasonably successful construction business, and her dad decided after a cancer scare that he needed to spend more time with his family/kids and make the most out of life.

They took her on all these amazing vacations, bought her a decent new car, designer handbags and sunglasses—the whole nine yards. They also put a pretty massive down payment on a house for her, probably covering about 50% of it so that her mortgage and other costs were less than her rent.

She calls me one day, sobbing. When she explained why, I wanted to scream. She is upset because her parents, who pay for everything—while she spends her money from her full-time job on clothes, makeup, and partying—

Are making her dip into her savings on a lawyer to close the deal for the property they bought her. She is inconsolable. I have to try to explain to her that for most people, their first home will be their entire savings.

I add that her parents have basically given her all these amazing things that other people don’t get. We hung up for a bit, and I guess she accidentally pocket-dialed me when she was talking to her parents about it,

And she was full-on yelling at them for daring to make her pay for a lawyer, telling them she hates them, they’re horrible and she never wants to see them again.

We had already started fading her from our friend group somewhat but it was a fairly quick downhill slope from there. Story credit: Reddit

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