Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Entitled Man-Baby


I used to work at a large stadium that housed several of the state’s sports teams. It was New Year’s Eve and I had been assigned to the private suites—the hoity-toity, overpriced rooms used to schmooze clients.

We had been explicitly clear that the suites would not be open until midnight. Guests could go down to one of the large event rooms. There was food, booze, games, etc. there but the suites were closed by 10pm.

We did everything to make sure to let guests know beforehand—send emails, leave flyers in rooms and reminded remind each guest beforehand face to face to avoid any confusion.

Needless to say, the staff wanted to get out of there early enough to enjoy the holiday themselves and made sure to be on top of this.

I did this with all of my suites and they nodded in agreement except for one guy, let’s call him Entitled Man-Baby or EMB. When I politely reminded EMB that the suites would be closed at 10pm he instantly looked away at his friends and said,

“Yeah, we’ll see about that,” and walked away. I tried to press the matter but he refused to look at me. I feared the worst—and got exactly that.

Eventually, his friend just nodded and shooed me away. Sure enough, 9:55pm comes rolling around and they still have their stuff everywhere, opening new drinks, and trying to order more.

I politely remind him that we would be closing in five minutes and he says, “Uh, we’re not going anywhere. I’m very close friends with * insert the name of the sports announcer here * and we’re not leaving for a long while.”

I say, “Sir, I’m sorry there seems to be a misunderstanding the suites are closing in five minutes but we’ll be more than happy to show you to the New Year’s Event just a few minutes away.” The EMB reiterated that they were not leaving, again turning away and refusing to acknowledge me.

He refused to leave for an hour and a freaking half. My boss, my boss’s boss, and then security came to nicely explain to him. At this point his friends couldn’t contain him any longer.

Exactly like the quintessential image of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum he clenched his fists, stamped his foot and held his breath until his face was completely red. If I wasn’t so furious, I’d feel bad for him.

Then he let out the highest pitch and loudest sound that I have ever heard come out of a human being, saying, “I am not going anywhere. We know ‘sports announcer.’

I was promised that I could stay here and I’m not leaving.” It was almost worth it just to see the faces of his friends drop in utter disbelief. They had been enjoying the slightly silly ego trip till now.

But this was over the top. The entire room just stood silent for a solid 30 seconds before my boss’s boss said, “Yeah, okay.” She turned and walked out.

Shortly after the infamous sports announcer guy walked in, started apologizing to EMB for the “mix up,” and said that there was a private room waiting for them.

They left at 11:45pm. I spent midnight on the train headed back home. Story credit: Reddit / iliketodrawstuffs

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