Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Company Policy


We had a customer years ago come in and want to return a carton of eggs. He said the eggs he got out of our fridge were expired, and had a month-old carton to show it.

His receipt for eggs was from a week when we had eggs on sale. I had, at the time, three faces of eggs in my cooler and I would have to restock them four-six times a day.

This was because we easily went through six dozen cartons of eggs a night. There’s no way, on that week, that he bought expired eggs. Beyond that, corporate policy was not to accept returns on refrigerated items or foodstuffs, or any incomplete products.

Our manager wouldn’t give the guy the refund on the 99-cent thing of eggs, per company policy. The customer threw a hissy fit and it was escalated to our district office, where our district manager called the guy to our store,

Personally gave him a $200 gift card, walked around and talked with the guy, shopped with him, then when the guy said he was interested in getting a shingles shot made our pharmacy comp him the ~$270 vaccine on our store’s dime.

So, this guy who tried to scam us out of 99 cents got almost $500 worth of things from us because corporate didn’t have the spine to back up one of our managers who was only following policy. Story credit: Reddit / frithjofr

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