Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

She Lost Her Marbles


I’m a hostess at a fancy Italian restaurant. We’re a new restaurant, and we were experiencing our first winter season. We were extremely busy during this time due to people craving a nice warm Italian meal when it’s cold out.

There was a wait for a table, because every single table was being used at the time. When a table opened up, I sat a party of four—two couples.

As I was showing them the way, one lady murmured to her friend, “Oh, jeez, I hope we don’t sit at that table.” Well, that so happened to be the table I was seating them at, the only table available in the restaurant.

Once we got to the table, the same lady repeatedly stomped her feet, like a three-year-old, screaming, “No, no, no! I don’t want this table!”

After I explained to her that it was the only table available in the restaurant, she lost her marbles. Her husband tried calming her down as she started to cry.

I told her that the only other option was to sit outside in the freezing cold in the middle of December. Or give up this inside table for someone else and wait for another table.

She then yelled at me for being a “terrible hostess.” Well, sorry that it’s a busy Saturday night and that we’re a brand-new restaurant, and that people want to be here. I gave her options, just saying. Story credit: Reddit

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