Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

No Stage Presence

Flickr / Ray Dumas

It was back in the late summer of 1994 and I was invited to a Carrot Top show. About 20 minutes into the show, he started to freak out.

It seemed as though the monitors weren’t working or something like that because he kept complaining about how funny his act was and how well his prop gags had gone over in other venues.

To be clear, he was being amusing and the crowd was laughing along as one might expect. But he wasn’t getting any of that feedback for some reason and he started to spiral into losing it entirely.

He yanked one prop after another out of his trunk, faster and faster, and louder and louder. Eventually he had a complete breakdown. It got so awkward, so fast.

He started sobbing, dropped everything, covered his face and ran off stage. The crowd was confused because no one really knew what to expect from the guy.

But he never did come back on stage and after another couple minutes the lights came on and we all left—20 minutes into the show. Story credit: Reddit / PragmaticParadox

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