Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

He Can’t Get Anything Right


My friend, his wife, and I were going to a Christmas party at a mutual friend’s house the next day, but I went over to his place to bake the cake I was bringing and hang out and play games.

Her sister was there too. So, I get there, his wife is in their living room, with her sister. The wife is sitting on the couch folding clothes.

The sister is in an armchair holding her baby. He picked up a present of hers—the new model of Keurig she wanted—but hasn’t had time to wrap it yet.

It’s sitting in the living room, under a blanket, near the Christmas tree. Their daughter, about two at the time, pulls the blanket off the Keurig. That’s when my buddy’s wife loses it.

She, who, is a director-level employee for a ward at the hospital, throws the entire basket of folded clothes into the floor,

Dumps the rest of the clothes in her lap in the floor, and slides off the couch into the floor, in tears, because he bought the wrong color of Keurig. She’s crying, yelling at him about how obviously he doesn’t care about her.

All because he didn’t get the right color. She also says that should just divorce him because he can’t ever get anything right. Over the color of a coffee maker. Story credit: Reddit / HerrStraub

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