Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

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Way back a long time ago, my stepmother’s birthday was coming up. Her birthday happens to fall after Mother’s Day.

Me, my sister, and brother thought it would be nice to get her a ring with our birthstones—a topaz flanked by two sapphires for Mother’s Day.

My dad chips in and we buy her a very nice custom-made ring. We were so excited, but it went so, so wrong.

Mother’s Day rolls around and we three kids give my stepmother her ring and she completely flips out. She starts yelling and throwing stuff, breaks down and starts crying, then calls me names.

My dad is usually pretty quiet, but upon seeing and hearing all this, he totally loses his temper and starts yelling at her in turn.

She stormed out of the house and didn’t come back for three days. So, why did she get upset? Because she wanted a new dishwasher. Which my dad had already bought for her birthday, but he immediately canceled the delivery.

Not that it should have made any difference to her, I was responsible for washing all the dishes by hand anyway.

So, basically, I got to see my parents get into a huge screaming match and still had to wash the dishes. Story credit: Reddit

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