Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

You’re Right!


My supermarket has a policy that if the price is wrong on the tag, you get the item free. One day an elderly lady notices that the price is wrong on an item. I have a bagger go and check.

Sure enough, it is wrong. I tell the bagger to take the tag down, and start voiding the item to give it to her for free. I explain that since it’s the wrong price she is going to get it for free.

She starts yelling that the price was lower on the tag, and it isn’t right. I again tell her that yes, the price is wrong and that I am going to give her the item for free.

She again starts lecturing me about the price being wrong. I am like, “Ma’am! The price on the tag was wrong. You are getting the item for free!”

I just don’t think she was listening. She wanted to throw a fit, and wasn’t going to stop. Story credit: Reddit

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