Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

World Star


I was at the airport behind a few people in the check-in line. There was also a lady with her husband and two children. I was minding my own Facebook feed when the mom begins to unravel.

You apparently can’t travel with young children without having appropriate documentation. I guess the family didn’t know this or forgot to bring the documents with them.

Whatever the case may be, they weren’t allowed to check-in without them. Lady starts getting loud, proclaiming her grandmother is dying of brain cancer and demanding they let her family through.

She starts berating the workers, calling them all sorts of unique names. I turn my attention to her male counterpart as he’s detaching the smallest child from the stroller.

The man must have been psychic because ten seconds later the mom grabs the stroller and starts aggressively ramming it into some innocent bystander at the neighboring check-in booth.

A single “World Star” emerges from the otherwise silent crowd.

Security comes charging out and this middle-aged mother of two bursts into a full sprint, a foot chase ensues, her family is left behind, and I never see her again. Story credit: Reddit / kyndalfh92

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