Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Super Host


Our Airbnb host told us breakfast was 15 euros per person, per day when it clearly said on her page that it was just five euros and she never told us anything different until several days later.

When calmly reminding her of that fact she would go into long tirades of how for that price, we should make her breakfast and how expensive everything was in her house.

She also added how early she had to get up and how wrinkly her skin was and how her husband once broke his foot picking lemons several years before and all kinds of irrelevant facts which we always countered by saying that no one was forcing her to make us breakfast and offer it at that price.

At the end, she totally lost it. She ripped pieces of paper, accused us of taking advantage of her, and threw our family out of her house with two small children in a foreign country.

We had a bad feeling about her the whole time but ignored it because she is an Airbnb “super host” with a great rating.

Even before the breakfast incident, she would act in a cuckoo manner, always coming into our rooms, sniffing on our beds, moving furniture around, and so on. Story credit: Reddit / kirdie

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