Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

I Hope the Party Was Worth It


I was a cake decorator at a local grocery market for a couple of years. A woman ordered a small toy kit for the top of her cake several months ahead of time.

She refused to prepay or keep the kit for her cake to add on top when she arrived. Long story short we had to keep this Minnie Mouse toy around for months with the lady’s name on it.

I personally decorated it to save others the hassle of her scrutiny. When she arrived, she said that there was a small imperfection in the toy and we have to give her another one.

Unfortunately, we no longer had them in stock because they had been discontinued by our supplier. That’s when she lost it. She called the store manager, regional manager, and corporate.

I’m sure she would have called God that day if she had his number. One sweet lady tried to reason with her so she started throwing pre-decorated cakes at us and smashing them onto the floor.

Her husband arrived, learned of the events, and instead of reasoning with her, he came behind the counter to shove things and scream in my face.

I ended up getting reprimanded for allowing a customer into the employee-only area, and had to drive two hours to get one of the remaining few toys left at another location.

I hope their two-year-old’s party was worth it. Story credit: Reddit / Flyawayhome714

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