Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Woe is Me


My older sister was 35 years old at the time. The family was prepping breakfast one day while on vacation in Hawaii. I was catching up on emails on my phone.

My sister came up to show me a picture on her phone. I did a quick take and said something along the lines of “That’s nice.” Apparently, I didn’t look long enough to appreciate it like she wanted.

So, she literally tattled to Mom and then went to cry in a corner of the bedroom. Breakfast was on the table and she wouldn’t come eat or sit down. Dad went to comfort her to try and coax her out about five minutes later.

Of course, I was the villain in her tale of “woe is me” and I was asked to apologize. I peaced out immediately as I didn’t have time for that nonsense. I was in Hawaii; had snorkeling to do and loco mocos to eat. Story credit: Reddit / koyote84

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