Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

He Didn’t Even Apologize


When I was in high school, I worked at a local fast-food place. As a cashier, it was pretty common for people to momentarily forget their wallet, phone, or keys at the front after ordering their food.

If I noticed something was left behind, I would place it under my cash drawer and wait for the owner to come look for it after they ate.

One day, a very grumpy middle-aged man comes in, he orders, I serve him, and he sits down to eat. After eating he comes up to me and asks if I happened to see any keys.

I said that I hadn’t but I was able to help him look and ask around if any coworkers found anything. After ten minutes of looking, we couldn’t find them anywhere.

At this point it becomes busy and I have to keep working helping new customers. It turned out he didn’t believe me, and thought I filched the keys to his ancient, beat-up Lincoln. 

His response was unhinged. He ended up calling the authorities, saying that I’m a rotten little liar who jacked his keys and refused to ‘fess up.

Meanwhile I was about 17, and probably the most trustworthy out of all the shady people who did work there.

My bosses were on my side and didn’t believe him for a second. When the authorities came, they looked over the tapes and did not find anything that would possibly incriminate me.

But that was not enough. The man still thought I took them. The authorities finally asked him if he may have thrown them away in the garbage.

I will never forget the look on his face when he dug through the trash and found his keys at the very bottom. He didn’t even apologize to me, the authorities rolled their eyes and escorted him out. Story credit: Reddit / summerlynn22

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