Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

A Good Deal


I worked at a local butcher shop. We are one of the few places in my town that gets fresh turkeys in yearly for Thanksgiving. Given how small we were and how busy we were I was working 8-7 that entire week while still being a student. 

It was already going to be rough, but one customer turned it into a disaster. How our system worked was you had to call in to reserve a bird and then we would organize our orders by weight.

When the birds came in, we would match them to our orders as close as we could but, of course, there would be a couple orders that were a tad off in weight.

I figured this was common sense. You can’t order a 6 kgs (13 lbs) bird and expect that exact weight when you come get it. We had a middle-aged gentleman come pick up his bird and he told me his name so I went to retrieve the order.

He had ordered something like a five or six kg (11 or 12 lb) turkey. When I got it, I noticed this bird was actually a kilo (two lbs) heavier than he wanted, but he got charged for the smaller weight that he had requested.

I explained this, handed him his bag, and wished him a happy holiday so he could go pay and be on his way.

He looked at the tag and asked if I was serious. I asked if there was a problem. He said, “Uh, yeah. I don’t know if you can read or not but this isn’t the weight I ordered.”

I responded, “Sir, we can’t match every single order to the exact weight requested, we do our best and charge you for the weight you asked for if you get a larger bird.”

He scoffed and started raising his voice saying that he had been a loyal customer for three years and he wanted to speak to the manager.

He started yelling about my incompetence and that I couldn’t “even match two numbers.” I was in shock that he was railing at me for getting a larger bird for cheaper than what he asked for.

Luckily the owner actually loves to put guys in their place when they’re behaving like children and told him to either leave and never come back or thank me for helping him.

He stormed out and we ended up with an extra turkey for sale. The funny thing is that he came back right before close and apologized. It had been another 12+ hours day for me

I wasn’t in the mood and didn’t even acknowledge him until he said that he was ready to pay for the bird. I gave him the biggest grin that I could muster and informed him that I sold it to someone.

He walked out shaking his head and muttering under his breath and never came back. Story credit: Reddit / Yall_Aint_Slam

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