Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Get a Grip!


This old boss I used to have as a part-time graphic designer stuck me with making a training CD presentation for a client. I basically had to learn to code HTML to do the thing.

I figured out how to get it to autorun, how to organize the pages, organize and build all the graphics for it as well as edit this small amount of video they wanted embedded in the presentation.

The only thing I could not figure out how to do was make the video autorun when the page loaded, so I just had to have a “Click to start video” button on it. My boss flipped out.

He started panicking, “The client is coming to see this later today! And this it for them. If this video doesn’t automatically play, that’s it, it’s over! They’ll cancel the whole project!”

He started crying in front of me. This is a grown, mid-50s man and I was a 19-year-old college student at his first job. He finally turned to his business partner, sobbing “Bill! What are we going to do, Bill?”

And Bill just looked at him like and said, “We tell them to push the button, Steve. Get a grip!” In the end, the client didn’t even notice the video didn’t autoplay.

They just clicked the button to play it and they never thought twice about it. Story credit: Reddit / SeaTie

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