Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Did You Touch it?


Everyone in our high school chemistry class sat at work areas that had built-in sinks with those high-arching faucets. We were going to do some experiments one day and had some balance scales on our work areas.

We also had some kids who sat in the back and goofed around a lot. While the teacher is talking about the experiments we were going to do, Dumb, Dumber, Dumberer, and Dumberest started goofing.

One of them, Dumberer, was sort of wiggling the faucet, and it broke off in his hands. The teacher didn’t see this, so he quickly put the broken piece out of sight.

The Teacher turned around, noticed something wrong, and couldn’t put his finger on it for a second. Then he realized what had happened and his face clouded over. No other reaction yet though.

The teacher went back to explaining things, and you could hear something in his voice, an edge. But the Dummy Brothers are oblivious.

They start messing around with the scales, and weighing stuff on their desk. Then Dumberest interrupts the teacher in mid-sentence, saying, “Hey, Teacher, did you know my pencil weighs 35 grams?”

The teacher stopped cold. His face darkened, his lips curled back and he lost it, saying, “Did you touch the scale? Did you touch it?”

He stormed to the back, grabbed the scale off of the desk, went back to the front, and just started raging—going off on students about disrespect, damaging stuff, disrupting the class, etc.

The students all just sat there, slack-jawed. At one point, he grabbed the weighing pan from the scale and flung it across the room. After a while, he tried to compose himself.

He grabbed a stack of papers for the experiment and started handing them out. His hands were shaking so bad he could barely do it.

Then he finally just left the classroom. We sat there for a while, then someone from the administration came down and dismissed the class. Story credit: Reddit / g051051

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