Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Just a Bit Embarrassing


My ex-boss thought he was alone in the office one night, and Excel chose that time to mess with him. It wouldn’t calculate a formula correctly, so he absolutely launched into a rant at maximum volume.

I froze in my cubicle, afraid to touch my keyboard and inadvertently announce to him he in fact wasn’t alone. I just listened as it got worse and worse.

He kept trying to redo the cell, and every time it failed he would get more and more belligerent. His voice started rising higher and higher while I remained frozen. Eventually, he started crying.

He blubbered about the program and I was now panicking. I couldn’t walk out because the door was right next to his office. I couldn’t make a noise. I was stuck.

He decided to get up and take a walk, and that’s when his rant stopped in its tracks. My eyes shot to my desk lamp. It was on. Then I heard footsteps approaching. I scanned my desk. I had to think fast. 

Suddenly, an idea flashed into my head. My hands shot out, grabbed my headphones, and threw them onto my head in one quick movement.

I started bobbing my head when he walked around the corner and said, “Well, that was a bit embarrassing!”

I ignored him, facing my screen, pretending the music was blaring. He tapped me on the shoulder and I acted all shocked. I took off my headphones and faced him. He was sweating.

He said again, “Well, that was a bit embarrassing. Did you hear my rant?” I told him that I did not. My music was just too loud, you see. We talked a bit, and end of the story.

I’ve never heard in my life a scary hissy fit like that, and I hope I never do again. Story credit: Reddit / tkizzy

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