Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Just Like a Child


Back in my teens I used to work at a sort of guided tour in my city. The tour took place in a sort of small car designed to look like a train and people would sit in wagons behind it while it drove around and explained stuff about our city.

We also provide a shuttle service at set times from and to a parking place for a theme park nearby. Outside of these times we would not ride because we weren’t paid at all.

We drove the whole morning until 12 pm and then we drove from 4 pm to 8 pm. I experienced many tantrums as one does in tourism.

I forgot about most of them over the years. But one hissy fit was so insane, I still remember it as clear as day. There was a family of six people, who approached us while we were off duty when the “trains” were all parked.

The father of the family approaches me and says that they would like to go back to their car. I explain that we do not drive at these hours and that we did specify that during the ride over here.

He calls me a liar. My boss was in the train reading a magazine and this guy walked towards him puffing. So, my boss opens the windows and asks if he can help him.

The guy asks the same question, boss gives the same answer. This guy just flipped.

He started yelling and screaming like he was seven, jumping on the train and off, punching the windows, all the while turning red, tears running over his face.

His wife in the meantime chose to walk away with the children looking embarrassed.

An old man who was with them calmly walked towards the man having a tantrum and said, “Get down,” The guy keeps screaming at me at my boss, at the old man, and anyone else who comes near him.

This old man walks closer, suddenly jumps up, grabs the guy’s ear, and drags him from the train. The guy is now screaming, “Sorry, Dad, sorry.” His behavior still stumps to this day that some people are like that. Story credit: Reddit / Coldfreeze-Zero

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