Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

He Never Even Asked


I worked at Panera a long time ago. It was a busy morning and I was ringing in customers as a cashier. A guy ordered one bagel toasted to go and one eight oz (227 gms) cream cheese.

Since the bagel was toasted, the kitchen was the one who fulfilled the order so I let him know where to wait and moved on to the next customer.

While I was in the middle of ringing up another customer the guy came over and started yelling really loudly at me, calling me names and asking why the cream cheese wasn’t on his bagel.

Panera just doesn’t do this and he never asked for it to be done. It was so bad that the random lady whose order I was taking apologized to me for him once he stormed out of the store. Story credit: Reddit / Taylorbobaylor

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