Real Stories of Adults Who Threw Tantrums That Had Everyone Around Them Stunned

Security Dragged Her Away


I  was at airport and saw a very inebriated woman throw a massive temper tantrum trying to board a flight. She was slurring her words, only partially coherent, and couldn’t even walk straight.

The poor gate agent tried to break it to her gently, offered to get her some water while they waited for a medic and security, assured her she could rebook her flight.

This spoiled brat was not having it at all. She started yelling that she absolutely had to get on this plane and nothing could stop her. She tried multiple times to board the plane, and eventually had to be physically restrained.

She started getting belligerent and threatening the employees that she would get them all fired, even threatening a turbaned guy with deportation.

She demanded every employee’s first and last name—their full names were on their name tags but she apparently didn’t notice this—and even after they had given her their full names she kept demanding it insisting she was going to call corporate and get them all fired.

The guy in the turban was so chill, he actually said, “Do you need me to spell my name for you?” “I guarantee it’s going to be a waste of your time and the company’s time and nothing will come of it.”

When it became clear that she wasn’t going to get what she wanted, she called her father on her cell phone and started screaming very loudly that she was being manhandled and asking for her Daddy.

She was claiming that he was the Attorney General of New Jersey and she wanted to sue the airline and get all the employees fired. Security finally dragged her away at that point.

The funny thing is that I looked up the Attorney General of New Jersey at the time and he didn’t have any daughters. Story credit: Reddit / HexAppendix

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