Real Stories of People Who Had to Deal With Entitled Parents

Dog Days of Summer


Many years ago, I was living in a beautiful sunny southern state. I had a cute little house that was completely fenced in: 5’ fence in front, 8’ fence on the sides, and a 10’ chain link fence in the back. I’m fortunate enough to work from home. My “office” was my patio unless it was raining. My dog, Sarie, a German Shepherd/Rottweiler mix, kept me company.

At a year old, she was a big girl at 120lbs. She was generally very sweet and kind but protective. She was well trained but also had a knack for disappearing to play with her animal friends, so I kept her on a chain too if we were outside. High school kids in the area had the tendency to use the alleyway behind my house to get to and from school.

Most would stop and say hi to Sarie and give her attention. She loved it. I honestly didn’t mind. One day, I noticed that any time Sarie was alone outside, some kids would rattle the back fence, throw things at it, then scream and yell at Sarie. The kids would run off before I could see who they were. In case things got worse, I bought some security cameras and brought Sarie with me anytime I went inside when the kids would be around.

One day, I had to grab some work in the house and left Sarie outside, just for a moment. From inside, I heard the fence rattle, and then Sarie yelp in pain. I rushed outside just in time to see a kid try to throw a rock at Sarie, along with some other kids. I was furious—but I knew just what to do. As I rushed over to Sarie, I calmly asked them: “Did it ever occur to you to wonder why I keep my dog chained in a fenced yard?”

Then I unhooked her. Sarie ran at my back fence and climbed over it. The kids started running down the alley with Sarie right behind them, barking away. I let her go about half a block, then whistled for her. She came trotting back all happy as can be. I checked her over and gave her a treat, and she was fine.  A couple of hours later, one of the kids came back with his mother…an entitled mother.

Her (screaming) “You witch! You had your dog attack my son! He was only having a fun time! He’s just a boy! [this kid was at least 16] You scared him! It was just a joke! You had no right to do that! I’m calling the authorities and having that dog shot!” Blah, blah, blah. I literally couldn’t get a word in. Then she starts threatening me.

So, I called the authorities. The operator could hear her plain as day even though she was at least 40 feet from me. Officers showed up in about five minutes. two cars. I guess they were in the area. Four officers, all very nice guys. Two officers come to talk to me, the other two talk to the woman and her son. She never stopped screaming and cussing.

I explained what happened and showed the video I had taken to the officers. I also show all of Sarie’s vet and training paperwork. I filed a report and asked to press charges. The officers are petting Sarie all the while because she’s demanding attention from her new friends. She has her happy face on. Yes, Sarie actually smiles when she likes people.

The three of us and Sarie (on a leash) go outside towards the other group. We’re about 10 feet from them when Sarie suddenly cuts in front of me to stop me and starts growling. The skin around her face went tight; making it look like a hair-covered skull. The hair on her back raises up. Sarie is very scary when she’s like that. But I knew something was very, very wrong.

Mother (screaming): “See! That witch raised that dog to attack people. That dog needs to be put down!”  I called back one of the officers that I had been talking to. He didn’t want to come too close as Sarie is showing large teeth at this point, so I moved back toward my house. As quietly as I could, I told the officer that either the mom or the kid was carrying a gun.

That’s why Sarie started getting protective. It had happened several times before. I guess to err on the side of caution, or else to shut me up, he decided to search the mom and kid. Yep, the mom had an unregistered piece, while the kid had a dangerous blade. So, in addition to a charge of animal cruelty, they got nailed for carrying a concealed weapon, being in possession of a firearm while on probation, resisting arrest, and a couple of other charges.

This woman never stopped screaming the entire time this happened and while being driven away. I don’t think that’s how she or the kid expected to end the day, but I enjoyed it. Even better, I never saw her or her kid again and the kids stopped harassing Sarie.


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