Real Stories of People Who Lead Incredible Double Lives

I’m Known As Alice


I’m trans and have been transitioning recently. Everyone at my household knows this but refuse to acknowledge it, and all my friends know and are accepting. This became a sort of double life. At home I have to pretend I’m a guy to avoid criticism.

I wear the worst guy shirts I own, and I have to actively keep my voice down. I’ve had to wear sports bras before too. My dad tends to get angry that I barely talk. They refuse to use my preferred name so instead I get called by the name I hate.

To my friends I’m not though, so I’ll wear my more feminine clothing and talk in a higher pitched, softer voice. They all know me as a transchick and that’s what I am to them. I’m Alice to.. Well… Everyone else.

It’s mentally exhausting, it’s a huge drain on the system – especially when I’m home. It’s a double life you’re actively conscious about, and it sucks. Story credit: Reddit / Cyberogue

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