College Students Reveal the Craziest Things They Have Ever Seen in Their Dorms

This RA Has Seen Some Stuff


“RA here. Seen some [stuff], but the worst was when I was a freshman – I had this roommate, Mike. Came from money, parents bought him a decently nice car at 16, he modified it, he thought he was [cool] and he could do anything he wanted.

One night, Mike decides he’s gonna get very drunk, maybe take some pills. At some point during the night, for a reason we still don’t know, he decided he did not like the plate glass window in the hallway of our dorm, so he dropped his shoulder and plowed into it. Spiderwebbed the entire thing. At some point later that night, he wanted to talk to some people we knew on a balcony down the hall. Instead of walking down the hall and into their room, he opened a window and head-butted the screen out so he could lean out and yell at them.

At some point later in the night he did cocaine and I woke up to a bunch of my stuff duct-taped to the wall of our room.”

Story credit: Reddit / @Cellifal

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