People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

My Parents Are My Mom and Her Twin


“Okay, so my real parents are my mom and her twin brother

No, I’m not Joffrey.

I found out last summer when I was 15. It was night time and I came down a staircase to get a glass of water. My mom was laying on the sofa, she had been drinking earlier. She doesn’t usually get drunk, she likes to drink wine, but never really enough to get drunk, but this time she was really drunk. I passed her on the way to the kitchen and she just spoke up and said that she was glad I wasn’t her husband’s child. I asked her [what] was she talking about when she told me that her brother was the father of me and my siblings. She stated it was the reason why we were so perfect.

I haven’t confronted my mom or her brother about it. My mom either pretends she never told me, or she was too drunk to remember.

I’m 100% sure it was consensual incest. My mom talks to her brother a lot, and she always visits him. My dad is always away, so sometimes my mom will bring us to her brother’s house and we’ll sleep over. Me and my siblings even have our own rooms at his house.”

Story credit: Reddit / @realyinbred_

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