People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

I’ve Never Seen Her Since


“A few years ago I met a girl at a mutual friend’s house who ended up telling me how her grandfather was also her father. She told me this because I had given her a bracelet that I was wearing (I make jewelry and like to hand it out), I have very tiny wrists, and she was so excited that it fit her. She was excited about that because on one hand she was missing a thumb and her hand was just kinda strange looking and small, so most bracelets would slide off. We ended up taking some hits out of a gas mask/bong (my first time ever doing so) and she told me about her father/grandfather as an explanation for her hand. Honestly it was pretty surreal being so stoned and having this girl who was mostly a stranger tell me this so calmly. She was with her boyfriend and their baby. She was very sweet, a real spunky firecracker type girl. I’ve never seen her since but I think of her often, I hope her life turned out alright. So yeah, not my story but its one that always stuck with me.”

Story credit: Reddit / [deleted]

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