People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

All That Matters is That I’m Happy and Healthy


“I found out at a pretty young age. My mom was always open about what happened to her and how I came about. The hospital pushed for her to give me up for adoption for some reason but she basically told them [that] I was her child so SHE would raise me. I have two older brothers, their father was killed in an accident about 6 years before I was born. I have heard so many stories about him that I have always kind of thought of him as my dad even though he isn’t. I have never been treated any differently by any of my family or my mother. Maybe even a little more special because I’m the baby and I’m a girl. The only real father figure I had in my life was my grandfather but he passed when I was about 9 years old. I could do no wrong in his eyes. I’ve had some pretty insensitive people that when they hear the story they ask why my mom didn’t have an abortion. By the time my mom found out she was pregnant with me it was too late for an abortion even if she wanted one. No one was ever caught for what they did to her. Being the product of [abuse] doesn’t really bother me. I’m here, I’m alive, and I’m happy. That’s all that matters to me and my family.”

Story credit: Reddit / @lilcountrylady

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