People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

The Result of a Nazi Occupation

Wikimedia Commons

“My father is a the result of a Nazi [abuse] during WWII occupation of a village in eastern Europe.

From the stories I have heard, she possibly got off ‘lightly’ compared to some. I think the Nazis planned to exterminate the Slavs at some stage, and they showed them no mercy during the occupation. Certainly, as a village with known partisans, the area was stomped on hard by the invaders.

My grandmother would not have an abortion (strict catholics) and so for most of his young life, my father lived in fear of his mother’s husband who continually threatened to kill my father and attempted to, at least a couple of times. On both of these occasions, my grandmother saved my father’s life.

When he was around 15 he ran away from home, and started a new life in another country (Australia).

It’s not something he talks about much, and it kind of feels weird to me – being the grandson of a Nazi [abuser].”

Story credit: Reddit / @the_aura_of_justice

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