People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

I Wanted Access to DNA Samples


“When I was 9 years old my mom told me that my dad wasn’t my dad. She told the story, she was [abused] by a guy when she was 19, never knew who, but she knew he was an army guy.

She met the guy I call dad when I was 3 months old. He was 18 at the time, my mom was 20, and she was pretty certain he wouldn’t stick around… But he did.. They are now divorced though, but I still call him dad and have weekly callings with him to catch up.. great guy, [taught] me a lot of life lessons.

I went on a “manhunt” for my dad a few years ago when I “got a lead”. This older woman at the bus was so certain I was a cousin of someone she knew. We chatted for a while (I didn’t tell her the story of how I became to be), and I figured she was just nuts instead of facts being made.. Then a few months later I got a message from a friend of mine who was attending a military lecture. She knows the story and sent me a few pictures of the dude giving the lecture.. I showed the pictures to my mom, but she said it wasn’t him..

I actually considered a career in the police forensics department just to get access to DNA samples.”

Story credit: Reddit / @MacherelInTomato

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