People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

My Mother Refuses to Talk About It


“I’m a product of [abuse].

When I was in 6th grade, learning about dominant and recessive genes, we had a homework assignment to go home and trace our family colors as far back as we can. When I started asking my mother about my dad, she told me that the man I knew as my father was actually my adopted father. My mother had me two years before she met the man that I knew as my father, of whom she married very late in life.

My mother is extremely religious. She claims that she was a virgin until a Man who she worked with forced himself on her in a movie theater he had rented out for a date, when she was 36. She married my ‘dad’ at 38. She didn’t tell me that having me had been less than consensual until I was out of college. I sometimes wonder what his other daughters look like; What my genetic history is, or where my grandparents are from but my mother refuses to talk about it.”

Story credit: Reddit / @MsMadison22

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