People Who Are the Product of Incest Share Their Stories

She Was In a Coma for Six Months


“When my grandmother was fifteen, a friend of her brothers went to pick her up at a skating rink. He beat her with a 2×4 and left her for dead, after he [abused] her. My grandmother was in a coma for six months, imagine waking up pregnant, huge pregnant.

My grandmas brother actually saved my mom from being aborted, as my great grandmother was very catholic. He said he’d break her hands if she signed consent.

Anyway, the guy apparently had some rich relatives in Germany, and wealthy parents. He fled the U.S. while my grandmother was in her coma, so no charges were ever filed. My mom often talks about hopefully meeting him someday, just to get his side of the story, all she has is his name. Both the men I knew as my grandfathers have died, we like to imagine her biological father is at least super rich so we can stop being poor someday. But, nevertheless it’s really effected my mom, she always said she never felt like a real part of the family. It saddens her that she has potential family out there, since hers isn’t close with her. I feel bad because I know it hurt her so deeply.”

Story credit: Reddit / @Jessicabird1995

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